
Bridge Bearing Testing: An overview of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications – OPSS 1202

Testing bridge bearings for their physical characteristics is fundamental to ensure quality performance and structural integrity of a bridge.

To ensure that the performance of bearings meets the requirements of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Ontario's Ministry of Transportation created the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications (OPSS 1202). The specification outlines the requirements for materials, design, and fabrication of plain and steel laminated elastomeric bridge bearings for use in provincial and municipal contracts. Additionally, the OPSS 1202 includes a comprehensive range of tests on the bearings' physical properties and their elastomer material.

The article examines the following tests under OPSS 1202:

  • Shear Modulus Test
  • Compression Set Test
  • Heat Resistance Test
  • Ozone Resistance Test
  • Bond Strength Test
  • Compressive Deformation Test
  • Testing Tolerances

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